View Requests - 822 found

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Gardner Rd Brookline Norfolk County

I live on Gardner Rd. - 1st the asphalt curbs are ugly, useless and waste of taxpayer money. 2nd-As part of the yesterday's snow cleanup, the snow plow drivers managed to tear up most of the curbs an
OPENED almost 2 years ago #37181

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Weybridge Rd & Washington St Coolidge Corner South Side Brookline

Crews plowing Weybridge Rd. often leave snow blocking way from crosswalk to sidewalk. Foot traffic wears a path, but tough for strollers, shopping carts, etc. Much worse with heavier snowfall.
OPENED almost 2 years ago #36652
Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Weybridge Rd & Washington St Coolidge Corner South Side Brookline

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 45 Marion St

Please run a street cleaner up and down in front of 45 Marion. There's a lot of broken glass from their private hauler who does a crummy job. Thank you.
COMPLETED over 2 years ago #33793

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at River Rd Brookline Norfolk County

When is River rd. going to open up for motorists to drive on. Outdoor dining is over
COMPLETED almost 3 years ago #30408

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 180–192 High St

Two cars parked near 180-181 high st maken it hard for truck have to go around
COMPLETED almost 3 years ago #30875
Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 180–192 High St

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 66–106 Davis Ave

Plowing in Emerson Garden has cut across the lawn and the path connection remains unplowed. The lawn is now trashed.
COMPLETED almost 3 years ago #31232
Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 66–106 Davis Ave

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Emerald Necklace Trail

Patches of ice and snowpack along emerald necklace trail. Dangerous for walking and biking.
COMPLETED almost 3 years ago #31556

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 27–99 Elm St

Corner cut cut plowed in
COMPLETED almost 3 years ago #31720
Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 27–99 Elm St

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Tabor Pl Central Village Brookline

Tabor Place got an early plow, but there is a lot of snow left. Please come back?
COMPLETED almost 3 years ago #31730

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 20 Rice St

Please push snow back to curb on Rice Street
COMPLETED almost 3 years ago #31794
Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 20 Rice St

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