View Requests - 822 found

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 18 E Milton Rd

Needs to be plowed and sanded
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. The highway department has sent a truck to address the issue - 26 days ago #SR-107332

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 18 E Milton Rd

The plow only went down 3quarters of the way The plow only went 3/4 down the street. I am 74 years old and I had to shovel to get to the shoveled street. Please fix this error. Thank you
COMPLETED Work on this request has been completed. Thank you for your request. the highway division will be sending a truck to address the issue. - 26 days ago #SR-107330

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 63 Franklin St

Please plow this area. A car was parked there when a plow tried to plow it a few days ago. Thank you.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107595

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 160 Chestnut St

Please plow street in front of 160 Chestnut St. Looks like it was never plowed. Thank you.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107594

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Lawrence School, 27 Francis St, Brookline 02446

Why was Lawrence playground plowed down to the pavement? No school in session but yet our streets still have ice on them and cars are sliding. The priorities in this town are really backwards
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107525

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 6 Olmsted Rd

Our street hasn’t been treated since the storm , the are of the street connecting to fisher Ave is all icy .
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107524

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Monmouth Ct

Monmouth Court is a skating rink - was neither plowed nor salted. It is incredibly unsafe
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107526

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Greenough St

Salt the street before we all slide into traffic on Washington
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107484

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at Pearl St

Pearl St. is like a skating rink. If I fall I will sue the town!
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107469

Roadway Plowing/Sanding at 42.35 N 71.11 W

Bike lane full of snow plowed into it from the roadway. Very unsafe.
WORK ALREADY COMPLETED Work on this request has already been completed. Our Highway Division is working diligently to improve road conditions. Your service request has been addressed, and a salt truck has already passed through the area. Please note that due to the low temperatures, it may take some time for the treatment to take effect on the ice. However, we will continue to pass through this area regularly to keep scraping. - 27 days ago #SR-107445

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