Safe Routes To School at 64 Brook St

OPENED about 1 year ago #40964
Submitted Wed Sep 06, 2023

The corner of Toxteth (one way) and Brooks has a stop sign on Toxteth but not on Brooks. It's not an arterial road, and many kids use it. A three-way stop would be much safer. Thanks!

What Brookline School is the location in? Lawrence

Request Type: Signs (New Requests and Existing)

address: 64 Brook St

coordinates x,y: 759940.6339297756, 2947776.1099276775

coordinates lat,lng: 42.33620752420738, -71.11618400804593

Timestamp Description
Wed Sep 06, 2023 06:55pm Opened
Wed Sep 06, 2023 06:55pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone